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Because Jesus Serves...

We Serve

Every person is blessed by our Creator with unique talents and abilities. Mount Olive strives to provide opportunities for people to give glory to God and to serve their neighbors.


Some of this Kingdom Work takes place in our local community; other areas of service reach out into other parts of our nation and world.


Below are several ministries and service organizations with which Mount Olive partners as we share Christ's love. Click any of these ministry partner names for more information about ways in which we are blessed to serve.


Calvary India Mission

Outreach to Indian immigrants in Indiana plus mission trips to South India and support of the Tailoring Center and Tuition Centers in Tamil Nadu, India.


Christian Education

Partnerships with Calvary Lutheran School in Indianapolis for PreK-Grade 8 and Lutheran High School of Indianapolis for Grades 9-12 to provide Christ-centered educational opportunities for our children.

Lutheran Child & Family Services

Support of the worship life and spiritual growth of youth residents in the Lutherwood shelter in Indianapolis.

Operation Christmas Child

Filling shoeboxes with tangible reminders of God's love in an annual effort for children across the world.

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