Connect with God through His Word
Join us as we connect with Jesus...
Mount Olive offers people of all ages a variety of growth opportunities as we gather around God's Word in relationship-building groups. See below for descriptions of our VBS, Children's Church, Confirmation, and Youth Group ministries. Our adult Bible studies meet on Sundays at 10:30am and Tuesdays at 10:00am. Each Sunday’s worship bulletin contains information on course offerings and meeting times. Contact our church office at for more information.
Children's Church
Sundays @ 10:30 am
Children's Church is an opportunity for children ages 3 through 6th Grade to connect with their loving God through Bible lessons, prayers, worship songs, crafts, and other activities. Following the Children's Message at our 10:30am service, children are led to their Children's Church classes. Four separate classes (PreK, Grades K-1, Grades 2-4, Grades 5-6) are led by trained teachers and assistants. Parents pick up their children in their classrooms following the worship service. We are blessed to be a church full of children!

Confirmation Program
Mount Olive's Youth Confirmation Program is a two-year course that provides youth in Grade 7 and up with an overview of the Bible plus an in-depth study of the Ten Commandments, the Apostles' Creed, the Lord's Prayer, Holy Baptism, Holy Communion and the Office of the Keys using Martin Luther's Small Catechism.
Confirmation classes are led by Pastor Jeff during the school year on Sunday evenings. Mount Olive celebrates an annual Youth Confirmation Sunday, held each year on the 1st Sunday in May, when those who have completed the program are invited to publicly confess their faith in Jesus Christ and commit themselves to a life of discipleship.
Youth Group
Mount Olive's Youth Group serves to help our high school students grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ and with one another. On Sundays from 6:15-7:30pm, we gather at Mount Olive in the Youth Room for Bible study and fellowship, and also take part in a variety of activities and servant events at other times throughout the year.